1·Decision making is a process that chooses the best program from some alternative programs after analysis and comparison.
2·The Ministry of Communication Press Service explains theMinistry plans to install Russian OS and alternative program package inevery Russian school.
信息技术和通信部新闻机构解释说部门计划在俄所有学校安装 Russian OS和可选程序包。
3·"This" Alternative Communications "program is driving the lion's share of ARC-201 radio buys."
这项“替代通信系统”计划极大推动了ARC - 201无线电的销售份额。
4·Researchers who have looked into the claims of the infamous TV program Alternative 3 24 conclude in the main that the show was a hoax.
5·In late 2009, the U.S. Air Force, citing cost concerns, threatened to kill the program in favor of a cheaper alternative.
6·The premise described in the TV program (and the book) was that to deal with the twin problems of overpopulation and global warming, there were three alternative solutions
7·As an alternative to the example in this article, you can invoke wsadmin using the exec Ant task and pass program parameters the same way you invoke any other executable.
作为本文示例的替代方法,可以使用Exec Ant任务调用wsadmin并按照调用任何其他库执行文件的方式传递程序参数。
8·Programmer Ted Dziuba suggests an alternative to traditional program that he called "Taco Bell Programming."
程序员Ted Dziuba提出了一种他命名为“Taco Bell编程”的方案用于替代传统编程。
9·It was created mainly as an alternative to XSane, a famous GTK + scanning program with a very un-KISS user interface.
10·Most states have an alternative route program where you only have to take a handful of credits and then certification to become a teacher.